Installation Guide
Welcome to the Installation Guide
Please follow these steps below if any member of our support team has redirected you to this page.
Press the profile icon on the right corner
The login panel will be shown and you can sign up by clicking "sign up" and fill the request information.
If you have already an account just login filling the email and password in the empty bars and press "Login"
Go to the download page where the software is located.
Once in the page press the button "Download" it will download CrossGems.
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Once downloaded you have to go to the download folder in your computer. and execute the CrossGems Web installer.
The web installer will download the latest version of Rhino and CrossGems to to continue with the installation.
A window like below will be opened, you have to click to "more information" and then "execute anyway".
The last step is press next to the installer and complete the installation, once It is done press finish.